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balance type造句

"balance type"是什么意思  
  • Balance type potentiometer
  • Current balance type
  • It may take you some time to work out for yourself how to balance typing with speaking
  • This paper assumes the dimensions of the cube model have hierarchies of balanced type and standard deployment
  • It is important to maintain the ship chamber horizontal and keep cable tensions in equilibrium during the running of the hoisting fully balancing type ship lifter . the distributions of displacements and cable tensions are unbalanced because of construction errors . a hydraulic balance system which has 48 oil cylinders is designed to eliminate the unsafe factor
  • Two key problems were solved : 1 ) to cancel the disturb of microwave cable rigidity on small thrust measurement of mpt adopting soft wave - guide without jacket as elastic linker , 2 ) to successfully realized separation of self - weight and thrust of mpt adopting small thrust measurement device of balance type , electromagnetic feedback and automatically compensation . so , the measurement precision and stability were greatly raised in actually application of small thrust measurement device
  • It's difficult to see balance type in a sentence. 用balance type造句挺难的
如何用balance type造句,用balance type造句balance type in a sentence, 用balance type造句和balance type的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。